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Image depicting Lucky fisherman catches 'fish with heart of gold'

Lucky fisherman catches ‘fish with heart of gold’


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Chandrakant Tare is a fisherman from Murbe village in the Palghar district of Maharashtra. He recently got very lucky and managed to catch a very special type of fish.

On 28 August, Chandrakant went fishing on his boat. While fishing, he noticed that the net had become heavy and he immediately pulled it out. It was full of fish. And it was not just any fish –  it was a very special fish called the ghol fish. And there were about 150 of them!

What is so special about this fish? This fish is not only tasty but it also has many medicinal properties. So, people pay a lot of money for it to make medicines.

Chandrakant and his fellow fishermen were very happy and went back to shore. There, the fish was auctioned. An auction is a type of sale where an item is sold to the person who offers the most amount of money. Together, the fish sold for about ₹1.33 crore!

The fish

This fish is also known as “the fish with the heart of gold”.  According to the fisherman, there is a pouch in the stomach of the ghol fish, which is in high demand.

What is the ghol fish?

The ghol fish is scientifically known as Protonibea diacanthus. It is a type of black-spotted croaker fish and is considered to be one of the most expensive sea fish in the world. It is in great demand in south-east Asia and Hong Kong.

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