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Joint European Torus (UK) and Nuclear fusion


Recommended for Middle Grades

The study of nuclear fusion

Joint European Torus (UK) is a centre for fusion research programs. It has made a significant breakthrough.  As we handhold our readers through an extremely interesting story around nuclear fusion, it would be a great idea to revisit some basic concepts.

What is nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nucleus.

JET was established in 1983 and since then significant research has been made in the field of fusion. The research at JET enables commercial nuclear power plants to rely on a trustworthy design and model for its operation and function.

Principles of nuclear fusion

The principle of the nuclear fusion process is that energy can be produced by fusing atomic nuclei together. The fusion forms new elements. It is the procedure that powers up the world’s nuclear power stations. The UK atomic energy authority states that this nuclear fusion is safe. It doesn’t produce any kind of waste.

Significant development

In a study, Joint European Torus (UK) has conducted a nuclear experiment that generated almost twice as much energy in the fusion process.  The experiment generated 59 megajoules of energy during the experiment. 

Nuclear fusion

The JET laboratory uses a doughnut-shaped machine called tokamak for its experiments. Small amounts of nuclear fuel are fed inside the tokamak machine.  This fuel is heated to a temperature that is 10 times hotter than the centre of the sun.  The machine spins fuses and releases a huge amount of energy as heat.


Check out this cool video by UK Atomic Energy Authority on Twitter:


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