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Image depicting Marvel's AI Alarm Hollywood Stars!

Marvel’s AI Alarm Hollywood Stars!

Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Oh no! There’s some big news about a new Marvel TV series called “Secret Invasion” that is making people in Hollywood feel anxious and angry. They’re upset because the show used something called artificial intelligence, or AI, to create its opening credits. AI is a fancy computer program that can do creative things, like making drawings and designs.

The director of the show, Ali Selim, said that they used AI along with human illustrators to make the opening credits. These credits show different scenes with buildings, spaceships, and mysterious characters. Some of these characters are actually shape-shifting aliens called “Skrulls” from the show.

Selim said that they wanted the AI to make the credits feel creepy and mysterious. They would talk to the AI program and tell it what they wanted, and then it would create something based on those ideas. They could even make changes by using words, and the AI would change its design.

AI Anxiety

  • But this news made a lot of people in Hollywood worried. The writers are already on strike because they are unsure about their jobs in the future. They are afraid that AI might replace script writers, designers, and even actors. Some artists who worked on the show expressed their concerns on social media. They believe that AI is not fair and could take away jobs from creative people.
  • The Writers Guild of America (WGA) is an organization that represents writers in Hollywood. They asked the studios and streaming companies to make rules about how AI can be used. Also, they want to make sure that AI can’t be considered the same as work done by humans. Importantly, they want to protect the scripts written by WGA members from being used to train AI.
  • But the studios didn’t agree with the WGA’s proposals. They only offered to have a meeting once a year to talk about new technology. This made the writers even more upset.
  • It seems like using AI in the Marvel TV series has caused a big disagreement between the people who create shows and the companies that make them. Hollywood is worried that AI might take away jobs from talented artists and writers. They want to make sure that AI is used in a fair and ethical way.
  • Using AI in the Marvel TV series “Secret Invasion” has made people in Hollywood feel scared and upset. They are concerned about their jobs and want rules to be made to protect their work. It’s important for everyone to talk and find a way to use AI that is fair and doesn’t replace the creativity of human artists and writers.

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