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Image depicting Meet 16-year-old chess Grandmaster Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa!

Meet 16-year-old chess Grandmaster Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little chess champions! Today, we’ve got some seriously cool news to share with you about an awesome chess tournament called the Chessable Masters online rapid chess competition.

It’s like a big, super exciting chess party that happens over nine months, and the best players from all around the world join in to play chess and win big money!

Chess Marvel

  • Now, let us tell you about this incredible kid named Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa, who is only sixteen years old but already a superstar in the world of chess! He’s from Chennai, India, and was born on August 10th, 2005. Whoa, that means he’s just a little older than you, but he’s doing some amazing things!
  • You know, becoming a Grandmaster in chess is like getting the highest level of superhero status. And guess what? Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa is the fifth youngest person EVER to become a Grandmaster! That’s like being one of the youngest superheroes in the whole chess universe!
  • When Praggnanandhaa was super young, like younger than eight, he won the World Youth Chess Championship! Can you imagine being a chess champion at such a tender age? That’s like having magical chess powers!
  • And hold your horses, because he got the FIDE Master title when he was just seven years old! That’s even before some kids learn to tie their shoelaces! He’s got some serious chess mojo.
  • Wait, there’s more! When Praggnanandhaa was 10 years and 10 months old, he became the youngest International Master ever! That’s like being the youngest wizard to ever cast a super powerful chess spell.
  • You know who Praggnanandhaa looks up to? It’s none other than the great Viswanathan Anand, who is considered one of the best chess players ever! So, Praggnanandhaa is following in the footsteps of a true chess legend, and who knows, maybe he’ll become a legendary chess hero too someday!
  • And guess what, my little chess geniuses? Recently, at the Chessable Masters online rapid chess competition, Praggnanandhaa stunned the World Champion Magnus Carlsen! Can you believe it?
  • The sixteen-year-old kid from India played against the best chess player in the whole wide world and gave him a run for his money! That’s like a tiny knight taking on the mighty dragon and winning!
  • So, the next time you play chess with your friends or family, remember Praggnanandhaa’s incredible journey. No matter how young or small you are, you can be a chess wizard too with lots of practice and passion.
  • Keep playing, keep having fun, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the one shocking the world, just like Praggnanandhaa! Keep rocking those chess moves, my little chess masters! You’ve got this!

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