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Image depicting Meet Mario Molina: The Scientist Who Saved Our Sky!

Meet Mario Molina: The Scientist Who Saved Our Sky!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Google Doodle is honouring a very special scientist named Mario Molina. He was a chemist who discovered something very important about the air we breathe.

Google is honouring Mario Molina with a special Google Doodle. It aims to celebrate his important contributions to science and the world.

Let’s learn more about him and his amazing work!

Key facts!

  • Mario Molina was a smart scientist from Mexico.
  • He won a big prize called the Nobel Prize in 1995.
  • Also, he found out that some things we use, like hairspray and refrigerators, hurt the Earth’s special layer called the ozone layer.
  • This layer helps protect us from the sun.
  • Mario worked with his friend F. Sherwood Rowland to figure out that a chemical called CFC was causing the problem.
  • They told everyone about it and made a special rule called the Montreal Protocol to stop using it.
  • Mario was also very important because he was the first Mexican scientist to win a Nobel Prize.
  • In addition, he also got a special award from the U.S. President!

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