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Image depicting mystery hut

Mystery hut spotted at the moon


Recommended for Middle Grades

Mystery hut spotted at the moon

We all know that many missions have been launched on the moon. Various mysteries have come to light while some are yet to be discovered. Our scientists are still working hard to bring the mysteries of space.

Chinese rover, Yutu 2  has spotted a cube-shaped object on the lunar surface. The object is 80 meters away from the rover. This object is known as “Mystery hut”.

Yutu 2 is powered by solar energy and it travelled for two lunar days to get a clear image of the object.

Mystery object on the moon

The images of the mystery hut are revealed by China National Space Administration(CNSA). The images reveal a small rock near the rim of a crater. The scientists describe the rock as “jade rabbit” because it resembles a rabbit.

What is a jade rabbit?

Jade Rabbit is a figure from Chinese mythology that lives on the moon with Chang-e, the goddess of the moon.

China’s moon missions are named after Chang-e and the lunar rovers are named after Jade Rabbit.

The Yutu 2 rover first spotted this object on the lunar surface during its 36th day on the far side of the moon. The CSNA scientists named it as “mystery hut”.

Yutu 2’s achievements

The Chinese rover Yutu 2 has covered a distance of 3,294 feet since it launched on the moon in three years.

Also, the sources from CSNA reveal that the rover has covered a distance of 328 feet in order to reach the mystery hut. It will take a close look at the rock to analyze it and observe the crater behind it.

Isn’t it interesting to see a rock that resembles a rabbit? Let us know in the comments below. Until we get more information on this, stay curious, kids!

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