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Mystery of Buddha’s Journey Solved!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Greetings, our young curious mind! Have you ever heard of the Ancient Egyptians? Well, guess what? They had an exciting discovery that has everyone talking! Archaeologists found Buddha’s 1st-century statue in ancient Egypt!

The discovery suggests that Buddhists were living there during Roman times! How cool is that?

Important Details

  • This discovery was made by a team of archaeologists in a town called Aswan, which is located in the southern part of Egypt. Buddha’s statue was made out of a rare type of blue stone that can only be found in Afghanistan. This means that there was most likely a trade route between Egypt and Afghanistan during Roman times.
  • Buddha’s statue is about 9 inches tall and is believed to have been used in a household shrine. It’s decorated with intricate carvings, and it’s amazing to think that it has survived for over 2,000 years! The discovery of the statue is a significant one because it proves that there was more cultural diversity in ancient Egypt than we previously thought.
  • The archaeologists who found the statue believe that it belonged to a person who was interested in different religions and cultures. They think that this person might have been a Roman soldier, a Buddhist monk, or even an Egyptian official. Whoever it was, they had excellent taste in art!
  • It’s fascinating to think about the connection between different cultures and religions in ancient times. The discovery of Buddha’s statue shows us that people were curious about other cultures and were willing to explore and learn.
  • It’s a reminder that we should always be open to learning about and respecting other cultures and beliefs.
  • So, our young friend, what do you think about this incredible discovery? It’s exciting to think about what other discoveries archaeologists might make in the future!

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