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NASA finds particles in Antarctica which defy all known laws of physics


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Recently, you may have heard about NASA finding “evidence of a parallel universe” in Antarctica where time runs backwards. It turns out that this is not exactly the case.

However, NASA’s experiment has found particles that do not follow any known laws of physics.

What are the details of the experiment?

  • NASA has an observatory called the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA).
  • ANITA consists of a helium balloon that has radio antennas attached to it.
  • This balloon flies over the Antarctic ice sheet at 37,000 metres, almost four times as high as a commercial flight. The antennas can “listen” to the universe from this height.
  • It can also detect high-energy particles, known as neutrinos, which hit Earth every day.

What are neutrinos?

Neutrinos are mysterious but harmless particles from space. However, they are ‘ghost-like’  and usually pass through solid objects without being detected. It is only occasionally that they react with an atom, producing some particles. This is how scientists detect them and also tells us where they are coming from.

So what did ANITA detect?

  • For a few years now, ANITA has detected that some neutrinos seem to come from the Earth’s interior, not from space.
  • The laws of physics as we know now, cannot explain how it is coming from the Earth’s interiors.

So, scientists are coming up with many different possibilities, one of which is that it “may be from a parallel universe”.

However, as of now, we know very little about neutrinos. So, perhaps there are more laws of physics to be discovered which can explain more about them.


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