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Image depicting NASA investigates computer issues on Hubble Telescope, NASA, curious times

NASA investigates computer problems on Hubble Telescope


Recommended for Middle Grades

NASA launched the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990. Since then, it has been helping us learn a lot about the universe we live in.

However, on 13 June, one of the computers onboard the telescope went down (stopped working). This is the payload computer, which operates the spacecraft’s scientific instruments. Without it, the instruments which take pictures and collect data are not working.

NASA has earlier thought that it was just a small problem. But, now, as they cannot find what is wrong, this could be a bigger problem than imagined. Scientists are studying what could be exactly wrong and have run many tests on the malfunctioning (not working properly) computer till now.

Adding to that is the fact that the Hubble Space Telescope is in space where someone cannot easily go to fix it. The last time astronauts visited Hubble Telescope for maintenance was in 2009.

NASA built Hubble in the 1980s. So one can imagine how old its computers are too. Thankfully, the whole telescope itself can operate without this computer and hence, it is doing so.


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