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Image depicting NASA which has released guidelines for preventing pollution on planets and Earth

Pollution on planets can be prevented by following NASA rules


Recommended for Middle Grades

Just as there is pollution on Earth is there pollution on planets in space too? Why is it important to make sure that other planets and earth remain free from pollutants? Let’s find out.

We have read about space agencies preparing for future Moon and Mars missions.

However, as exciting as these missions are, we do not exactly know what is out there.

We have to make sure that these pristine (very clean) space environments remain free of dirt and germs. After all, Earth’ pollutants (like germs) could affect other planets very badly. Similarly, we do not know if pollutants from space could affect Earth in some unexpected ways.

So, to help with this, NASA Released two NASA Interim Directives (NIDs) on 9 July 2020. Their aim is to protect the Moon and Mars. These policies also aim to protect Earth from any contamination (pollution) from outer space.

They provide new requirements for human and robotic missions travelling to and from the Moon and Mars. These guidelines will help make sure that pollution on planets is prevented.

One addresses the potential issue of biological contamination (spoiling) from Earth to another planetary object (forward contamination).

The other deals with Mars. It covers both forward and backward contamination (the type brought to Earth from another cosmic body).

By following these rules, the environment will remain exactly the way it is for all future researchers. Earth will also remain safe from any potentially dangerous pollutant.

The NIDs will be modified (changed) in the future, depending on the latest information.

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