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New group of ancient humans discovered in Israel


Recommended for Middle Grades

Imagine walking down the street and seeing a person you thought you recognized, only to find out that they were a long-lost cousin from way, way, way back in the day. Like, more than 100,000 years ago! That’s sort of what happened in Israel when scientists stumbled upon bones that didn’t belong to any known relative of ours. Instead, they belonged to a totally new kind of ancient human!

The Grand Tour of Human History

Once upon a time, Earth was like a giant party with different types of humans, all mingling, chatting, and sharing tools and stories. Okay, maybe they weren’t chatting like we do, but you get the idea! Now, it’s just us, the Homo sapiens, who stayed behind after the grand gathering.

Others like Neanderthals and the intriguingly named “Dragon Man” waved goodbye and faded into the mists of history.

A New Kid on the Block: Mr. Nesher Ramla Homo

Now, there’s a new (well, old) face in town! Scientists have introduced us to Nesher Ramla Homo. This isn’t the name of a cool rock band, but a new category of ancient humans discovered near Ramla city. Their welcoming gift to us? A skull, a jaw, some tools, and animal bones. How… thoughtful?

Did They Whisper Secrets?

These Nesher Ramla folks lived between 140,000 and 120,000 years ago. But here’s where it gets even juicier: scientists believe they traveled around Europe and Asia like vintage tourists. And guess what? They might’ve shared secrets, stories, and maybe even recipes with other ancient humans.

This means they could’ve been the cool grandparents of Neanderthals! If you’re wondering, ancestors are like grandparents, but multiplied by a zillion (or so).

Connecting the Dots (or Bones)

So, by finding just one skull and a jaw, these brainy scientists managed to weave a tale of travel, history, and connections. They’ve painted a picture of a world where various humans lived side by side, sharing and learning from each other.

End of the Party

Now, it’s just us. We’re the only ones left from the grand human family gathering that was once buzzing on Earth. We’re the storytellers, the keepers of secrets, and the ones who look back and wonder.

Waving Hello to the Past

So next time you find something old in your attic, like a photo or a toy, remember, the world is full of ancient treasures waiting to be found. And just like that old toy, these treasures tell us stories about where we come from and who we once were.

In the end, while we might be the only humans left, we’re definitely not alone. Our family tree is big, with branches that reach far and wide. The discovery of Nesher Ramla Homo is just another beautiful leaf on that tree, waving hello from the past.

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