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Dynamic World tool shows changes in planet’s landscape


Recommended for Secondary Grades


In August 2021, the Caldor Fire burned 200,000 acres in northern California. The new satellite, dynamic world captured dramatic changes to the landscape in real-time.

The new satellite tool Dynamic World is introduced. This snew satellite has recognized that an area which was first covered by trees has now been reduced to shrubs.

Satellite tool: Dynamic World

After the fire, Dynamic World’s colour-coded map showed the green region transforming to yellow. The yellow region indicates the growth of shrubs and scrubs.

Earlier, scientists wondered how the landscape of the planet changes over time, Now, they can use Dynamic World to show the exact changes happening on the planet. The tool is updated once every two to five days.

The dynamic world tool is capable of capturing the changes in the ecosystem that happen because of floods, wildfires, deforestation and urban development.

Creation of dynamic world tool

Google partnered with World Resources Institute (WRI) which is an international environmental protection organization.

Google and WRI created an artificial intelligence model that can recognise different landed types on satellite images. The AI model can determine what is covering the land and scientists are able to uncover it through the satellite images.

The tool, dynamic world will be useful to researchers, governments and non-profit organizations. They will help in monitoring climate change, food insecurity and biodiversity.

Google hopes that this new tool will help in finding more smart and efficient ways to use the land. What are your thoughts about it? Share them in the comments below.

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