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Image depicting New Zealand banned smoking

New Zealand plans to ban smoking


Recommended for Middle Grades

New Zealand plans to ban smoking for its next generations.

We know that smoking is bad for our health. Most people know it, but they continue to do it.

What is the aim of the new law?

A new law or bill is proposed in New Zealand so that young people never start smoking. The new law states that the legal age of buying tobacco should be increased.

The New Zealand government plans to put the bill before Parliament in 2022. The bill will be presented as a part of the campaign that aims to reduce smoking.

What are the proposals?

  1. According to the proposed law, supplying tobacco to the youth will be considered an offence.
  2. When the law will come into effect, people aged 14 and above won’t be able to purchase tobacco and cigarettes.
  3. The level of nicotine in all cigarettes for sale will be decreased.
  4. The government will also give support to smokers and help them quit the habit of smoking. This includes that the products with low nicotine levels are produced.
  5. Tobacco advertisements will also be restricted.

The law will be effective from 2027.

In other words, New Zealand is trying to put a lifetime ban on tobacco and cigarettes.

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