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Image depicting Nile's river steam helped build Egyptian pyramids

Nile’s river steam helped build Egyptian pyramids!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Get ready for a wild adventure back in time to ancient Egypt! We’re about to uncover some super cool secrets about how the pyramids were built. Are you excited? Let’s dive in!

Pyramid Mysteries

  • Okay, so a long, long time ago—like 4,500 years ago—there were these huge pyramids called the Pyramids of Giza. They were built on the west bank of the Nile River. The biggest one, called the Great Pyramid, was made to honor a pharaoh named Khufu. It was ginormous, covering an area as big as 13 football fields and reaching over 480 feet into the sky. Can you imagine?
  • Now, here’s the interesting part. Some smart scientists did a study, and they discovered that the ancient Egyptians used a special part of the Nile called the Khufu branch to build those magnificent pyramids. It’s like they had their very own pyramid-building highway!
  • Scientists think that using the Khufu branch was super handy for those ancient builders. It helped them move around more than 2 million heavy limestone and granite blocks. Imagine lifting something that weighs more than two elephants—wow!
  • To sum it all up, this new study supports the idea that the Egyptians used rivers to transport those humongous pyramid blocks. And guess what? The Khufu branch hasn’t been around for a whopping 8,000 years! But scientists are super smart, and they can figure out where the river used to flow by looking at clues in the desert’s soil. They’re like ancient detectives!
  • So, my little explorer, this exciting research brings us closer to answering some of the big questions about how the pyramids were built. We’re uncovering secrets from thousands of years ago, and it’s just mind-blowing!
  • Remember, history can be full of surprises and funny little details. So, keep your curiosity alive, and who knows what other hilarious and incredible things we’ll discover next. Happy exploring, my adventurous friend!

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Take a look at Mycompasstv’s video below to see their trip down the Nile.

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