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Image depicting interstellar objects

A interstellar object crashed into Pacific Ocean


Recommended for Middle Grades


According to the physicist of Harvard University, Avi Loeb, an object that crashed near the Pacific Ocean is an interstellar object with alien technology.

The interstellar object impacted the Earth on 8th January 2014. It crashed alongside the northeast coast of Papua, New Guinea. US Space Command report says that an object is an interstellar object. Though, Avi Loeb wants to search for the object.

An object that crashed into the Pacific Ocean

The object measures 1.5 ft in diameter and is known as CNEOS 2014-01-08. Avi Loeb claims to use magnets to find the object from the depth of the Pacific Ocean.

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence  (SETI) is a period of scientific searches to monitor electromagnetic radiations for signs of civilizations on other planets.

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