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Image depicting People choose 2022 Oxford’s Word of the Year!

People choose 2022 Oxford’s Word of the Year!


Recommended for English

People are asked to vote for Oxford’s Dictionary word of 2022.  They can choose to vote for either “goblin mode,” “metaverse,” or “#IStandWith.

What is the Oxford English Dictionary?

The Oxford English Dictionary, which is published by Oxford University Press, is widely regarded as the most reliable dictionary of the English language.

It’s the first time Oxford Languages has ever let the public vote on its annual list of the word of the year. They believe that people all over the world are “the true judges of language.”

Voting is now open for the Oxford Word of the Year for 2022. The group of very smart scholars has narrowed the list down to the three words they think best describe what has happened this year.

Key facts!

  • Scholars think the word “metaverse” represents a conceptual future.
  • From hybrid work in VR to debates about the morals and practicality of an online-only future.
  • The number of times this word was used in 2022 has nearly tripled compared to last year.
  • They also went on to say that “#IStandWith” acknowledges the “activism and discord” that have been defining characteristics of 2022.
  • This “word” is made up on social media to show support for a cause or person.
  • It can often lead to more fights and even hate speech because it divides people.
  • The expression “goblin mode,” refers to the concept of defying the expectations that our society places upon us.
  • This is in favour of doing whatever one desires to do.
  • In spite of the fact that it was first used in 2009 or 2010, the dictionary gives Julia Fox the credit for popularising the term.
  • The voting polls will close at 00:01 am on December 2nd.

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Comments: 1
  1. anaishajain says:

    Great Article!

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