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Image depicting Phantom Queen triumphs 2021 Optical Illusion Contest

Phantom Queen triumphs 2021 Optical Illusion Contest


Recommended for Middle Grades

Optical Illusion Contest

We love when a contest encourages scientists and creative artists around the world. The annual Best Illusion of the Year Contest is just perfect for creative brains that think out of the box. What’s really sweet and encouraging is that it is led by a non-profit organisation “Neural Correlate Society“. This society primarily studies how the brain functions.

What is an Optical Illusion?

Optical illusions are images or pictures that we perceive differently than they really are.

Celebrating its seventeenth year the contest encourages creative thinkers to showcase their clever optical illusions. From the entries to an online contest in 2021, here are the top three winners. The winners were chosen by fans through an online contest.

The Phantom Queen

A magician and scientist from the UK, Matt Pritchard created this chessboard themed illusion. The Phantom Queen is mind-boggling. There are two chessboards set up in a mirror in between. The mirror’s reflection shows several black chess pieces and a white queen. Alarmingly, the chessboard in the front has only black chess pieces.

Check out the video and tell us in the comments how the mystery deepens!



The Changing Room

Michael Cohen shows how our brains can fool our eyes into seeing things that may not be there. We aren’t talking about ghosts, it’s science for us. The room might look as if nothing is moving but look closer……..objects will get added and removed 🙂 What do you think changed, tell us in the comments section!



The Double Ring

In this illusion, the two rings perform the same motion. But their placement tells us that they are rotating differently, but are they? Check out the video and tell us what you think?



The credit for all the videos goes to Youtube user “Best Illusion of the Year Contest”

Feeling dizzy yet? We hope our readers loved the article. Do share your thoughts with us in the comments section.


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