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Image depicting NASA Watts on the Moon Challenge

Phase 2 of NASA Watts on the Moon Challenge begins


Recommended for Middle Grades


NASA opens the second phase of Watts on the Moon Challenge

The Watts on the Moon Challenge is managed by Centennial Challenges. It is based at the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville. Alabama.

NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is planning to return to the Moon using new technologies to learn more about the lunar surface.

Phase 1 of Watts on the Moon Challenge

Phase 1 of Watts on the Moon Challenge was opened in September 2020. In the first phase, the participants had to emphasize the formation of ideas on energy, management, distribution and storage solutions on the Moon.

7 winners were of Phase 1 were awarded the prize money of $500,000.

Phase 2 of Watts on the Moon Challenge

NASA has launched Phase 2 of the challenge. This phase offers prizes of up to $4.5 million. NASA has invited new teams as well as the previous teams to take part in the challenge.

What’s in Challenge Phase 2?

The teams who wish to take part in the Watts on the Moon Challenge can register on the NASA website by 15th June 2022. The Second Phase Challenge will be 30 months long and there will be 3 levels of the challenge.

The teams taking part will have to design, build and demonstrate an idea that addresses the technology gap in power transmission and energy storage on the surface of the Moon.

The teams should follow the given rules:

  • At each level, the teams will have to submit all the required material and they will be evaluated on the basis of their submission.
  • 7 winners will be chosen at Level 1 and they will be given entry into Level 2 with a cash prize of $1.4 million.
  • 4 winners will be chosen from Level 2 and they will enter into Level 3 with a cash prize of $1.6 million.

Two teams will be selected as winners in the third level. The first winner will be given the prize of $1 million while the second winner will be given the prize of $500,000 million.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Until further updates on Watts on the Moon Challenge, stay curious.

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