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Image depicting Physicists Identify Strange Superconductivity!

Physicists Identify Strange Superconductivity!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

The Super Cool World of Superconductivity: A Tale of Dancing Electrons

Once Upon a Chilly Time in Physics…

There’s this awesome thing called superconductivity. Imagine if you had a toy train that could go forever without stopping because it never runs out of energy. Superconductivity is kind of like that, but for electricity. However, there’s a catch. For a long time, this magical train could only run in super cold places, like the inside of your freezer. And not just any freezer, a super-duper-cold freezer.

The First Dance of the Electrons

Back in 1911, a smart guy from the Netherlands named Heike Kamerlingh Onnes was playing with some mercury (a shiny liquid metal) and found out about this super-cool thing. But, understanding why it happened? That took till 1957! Think of it as taking 46 years to figure out the rules of a new dance move.

The New Jiggy Dance

Now, some brainy folks from Emory University and Stanford University have found a new dance move for our electric friends, the electrons. Instead of the regular dance, they do this wavy, oscillating dance. It’s like discovering a new dance move that can be done without getting too sweaty. This special dance happens at temperatures that are not as cold, which is exciting because, well, nobody wants to dance in a giant freezer all the time.

The Magic Places: Van Hove’s Dance Floors

Okay, let’s dive a tiny bit deeper. There’s a special place called the “Van Hove singularity” where electrons can do some funky energy changes. Think of it as a magical dance floor. In these magical spots, electrons can dance in new ways that could help us use their super-conducting moves in warmer places.

Not So Fast, Dancer!

Even though we have this exciting new dance move, it’s still all in our heads (and computers). It’s like knowing the dance steps but not having tried them in real life. Also, there’s a small challenge. The temperature for this dance is still about three times colder than your kitchen fridge. So, imagine a really, really, really cold kitchen.

The Super Dream

The dream? To use this dance everywhere, so everything is efficient and cheap. Some superconductors are already showing their cool moves in machines that take pictures of our insides (MRI machines), floating trains (maglev trains), and huge science tools like the Large Hadron Collider.

A Thought from the Dance Expert, Santos

Our scientist buddy, Santos, reminds us that when Kamerlingh Onnes first found the super dance move, he probably wasn’t thinking about floating trains or giant science machines. But knowledge is like a surprise gift; you never know how it might be used in the future.

In Conclusion: Keep on Dancing

Electrons and their dance moves might sound super geeky, but they can change the world. From the first waltz in 1911 to the jazzy oscillating moves now, the world of superconductivity is as exciting as a dance-off. And who knows? One day, your gadgets at home might just be powered by these groovy dancing electrons. So, here’s to hoping they learn more warm dance moves soon! Keep on dancing, electrons!

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Unlock the magic of superconductors with our animated deep dive!

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