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Image depicting PM Modi Advocates Global Humanity: P20 Summit!

PM Modi Advocates Global Humanity: P20 Summit!


Recommended for P20 Summit

PM Modi, in a significant move for SEO, inaugurated the 9th G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit at Yashobhoomi, New Delhi, with a strong emphasis on unity and collective action.

The chosen theme, ‘Parliaments for One Earth, One Family, One Future,’ underscores a unified commitment to collaboratively address global challenges.

Listen to the summary

Echoes of Tradition

  • PM Modi underscored India’s enduring democratic traditions, referencing ancient texts and practices. Furthermore, he emphasized that India’s democratic roots are not merely a product of modern evolution but are steeped in a rich history, tracing back to the Rigveda era.
  • Each sentence, enriched with the power of history, speaks to the nation’s democratic journey. Transitioning from ancient traditions, India’s democracy has adeptly evolved, embracing modern electoral practices.
  • Moreover, PM Modi illuminated the significant turnout in recent elections, a clear testament to the citizens’ steadfast belief in the power and process of democracy. Each vote cast is a reaffirmation of faith, a narrative of a nation bound by democratic principles.
  • Modern technology like EVMs ensures transparency and efficiency. PM Modi invited delegates to witness the upcoming general election, showcasing India’s democratic vibrancy.

Participation and Inclusion

  • PM Modi enlightened the audience on the 33% seat reservation for women in Parliament and state assemblies, thus paving the way for enhanced gender equality in politics. Moreover, India is a country where over 900 TV channels and approximately 3 billion users engage on various social media platforms. Therefore, the dissemination of information and freedom of speech are at an all-time high.
  • Consequently, the celebration of the African Union’s inclusion in the G-20 underscores the essential role of broader global participation in decision-making processes.
  • India’s diverse culture is a wellspring of its strength, as highlighted by PM Modi. Moreover, he pointed out that unity is our most potent tool in overcoming obstacles, fostering a resilient society. However, terrorism casts a dark shadow, presenting a severe threat that we must face. Therefore, the Prime Minister underscored the urgency of a global, united front against this menace.
  • Furthermore, PM Modi invoked the ethos of ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future,’ illuminating the pivotal role of international cooperation. Hence, he argued, public participation becomes indispensable in conquering global adversities. In addition, his advocacy for consensus governance accentuates the power of collective action.
  • As we move forward from the P20 forum, it’s evident that every concerted effort amplifies our collective resolve. Consequently, we edge closer to a future marked by harmony and resilience.

Inviting Participation

  • As PM Modi concluded his address, the underlying message was clear – unity, participation, and consensus are the keys to a prosperous, sustainable future.
  • Through a rich tapestry of historical context, current achievements, and future aspirations, PM Modi’s address underscored the essence of unity in diversity. The blend of ancient traditions and modern innovations characterizes India’s democratic journey.
  • Every citizen, with their unique voice, contributes to the nation’s evolving story, echoing the global call for unity amidst diversity to face the challenges of tomorrow.

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