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Pulitzer Prize 2022


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Pulitzer Prize 2022

The Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in newspaper, magazine, journalism, literature and musical composition within the United States. It was established in 1917 by the provision in Joseph Pulitzer’s will and it is administered by Columbia University.

Winners of Pulitzer Prize 2022

The winners’ list for Pulitzer Prize 2022 has been announced recently.

  • Journalist Danish Siddiqui was the chief photographer for Reuters in India. He has received the Pulitzer Prize for feature photography for his coverage of the Covid situation in India.
  • The Indian journalists Adnan Abidi, Sana Irshad Mattoo and Amit Dave have also received the prestigious award.
  • The journalists of Ukraine have been honoured with a special citation of Pulitzer Prize 2022. They’ve been awarded the prize for the courage and commitment to truthful reporting that they have shown since the Russian invasion.
  • Natalie Wolchover from Quanta Magazine won the award for reporting on how the Webb Space Telescope works.
  • The staff of the New York Times won the Pulitzer award for a project that quantified a disturbing pattern of fatal traffic stops by police.
  • New York Times also won the award for international reporting for exposing the civilian told of US-led airstrike.

Many other people and news sites have won the prestigious Pulitzer Awards for their contribution in the world of music, creative writing and journalism.

Curious Times sends good wishes to all the winners.

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