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Grandmaster R Praggnanandhaa

R. Praggnanandhaa wins London Chess Classic 2019


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little chess enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to tell you about an amazing chess champion named R. Praggnanandhaa, who’s only 14 years old! Yep, you heard that right – 14!

Okay, so there’s this super cool chess tournament called the London Chess Classic, and it happens every year in London, UK. Lots of super-duper smart players, also known as Grandmasters, from different countries come to play in this tournament. It’s like a big chess party!

Chess Prodigy: Praggnanandhaa’s Triumphs

  • Guess what? Praggnanandhaa was declared the winner of the London Chess Classic FIDE Open 2019. But wait, it gets even more exciting – he shared the first place with another chess whiz from Australia, Anton Smirnov. They both scored 7.5 points out of 9 rounds. That’s like getting top marks in a really tough math test!
  • In the final round, Praggnanandhaa played against another player from India named Aravindh Chithambaram. And guess what? Praggnanandhaa won! Woo-hoo!  Aravindh came third in the tournament, so he did pretty awesome too!
  • But hold on, the Indian team was on fire in this tournament. Two more super players, Sahaj Grover and R. Vaishali, did fantastic as well. They scored 6.5 points each in the 9 rounds. Go team India!
  • Now, get this – 2023 has been like a magic year for Praggnanandhaa. He’s been winning left and right! He won the Xtracon Open in Denmark and even the World Youth Championship under 18. It’s like he has a lucky charm with him all the time!
  • And guess what makes Praggnanandhaa even more special? He’s the second-youngest chess player in the whole wide world to cross 2600 ELO ratings! ELO ratings are like medals for chess players – the higher the rating, the more awesome you are at chess! Praggnanandhaa is really, really, really awesome!
  • You know what’s the cherry on top of this cake of achievements? Praggnanandhaa is heading to Spain in December to play in the Sunway Sitges Open 2019. We wonder if he’ll bring some Spanish sunshine to his games! 
  • Okay, it’s time to wrap it up. So, in conclusion, our young superstar, R. Praggnanandhaa, is like a chess wizard, winning hearts and tournaments all around the world. Let’s give him a big round of applause and say, “Congratulations to all the winners!” Keep shining bright, little chess champions! 

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