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Rare parrots stuffed in plastic bottles in Indonesia!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Police found rare parrots in plastic bottles. How and why did this happen? Let’s read to find out.

Many animals and birds are endangered (less in number) today. Sadly, criminals still secretly kill them or take them from jungles to be sold in markets. Often, they also mistreat the creatures in the process.

Important Details

  • Recently, in Indonesia, officials found many live rare parrots stuffed in plastic bottles, that were being smuggled (taken to be sold secretly). They were found on a ship in Papua, Indonesia.
  • The ship’s crew discovered the birds after they heard strange noises coming from a large box. Inside, they found 64 live parrots and 10 dead birds.
  • The birds are black-capped lories, a type of rare parrots. They are found in New Guinea and nearby islands in the southwest Pacific Ocean. The bird is also protected by the law in Indonesia but is often secretly sold as it is a popular pet.
  • Indonesia is home to the highest number of threatened bird species in Asia. However, illegal selling and buying of birds are also common.
  • This kind of incident has happened before as well. In 2015, Indonesian police arrested a man who was trying to smuggle 21 yellow-crested cockatoos, an endangered bird, in bottles.
  • Buying and selling of endangered species is wrong and should not be done.

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