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Image depicting rare pink handfish

Rare pink handfish found in Australia


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Rare pink handfish is found in Australia.

Have you seen fish? Do you know that there are different kinds of fish found all over the world?

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) said that rare pink handfish have been found for the first time in 22 years. This rare handfish can walk by itself.

These rare handfish have been found on the Tasmanian coast in Australia. It was firstly found by a Tasmanian diver in 1999.

Recently, researchers have claimed that they have found this rare pink handfish again. They recorded it on the camera which they left into the sea at the Tasman Fracture Marine Park.

Rare Pink Handfish

This rare pink handfish belongs to the anglerfish family. Researchers say that this rare handfish lives in deep and open waters.

The speciality of the pink handfish is that it has fins on each side of its body that appear as little hands. Scientists have predicted that these fishes might have a small colony deep into the sea where the water is cooler.

Have you come across such rare and different kinds of fish? Let us know in the comments section.

Watch the video of the handfish below:

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There are many unique animals in the world that look and behave interestingly and differently. Have you heard about water bears or tardigrades? How about a platypus or wombat or living fossils? In fact, there are many unique, strange and rare animals that are also fascinating and amazing. Read more about such captivating creatures in our animal news for kids.

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