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Image depicting Scientists Craft Time Crystals from Super-Sized Atoms

Scientists Craft Time Crystals from Super-Sized Atoms

Recommended for Physics

Let’s dive into something mind-bending today – time crystals! Now, we know what you’re thinking, “Time crystals? Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie!” And you’re not entirely wrong. These things are pretty out there, but trust us, they’re real, and they’re a big deal in the world of physics.

If you’re curious about the cutting edge of science, particularly the weird and wonderful world of quantum mechanics, then this story is for you. We’re talking about a new type of time crystal, created by physicists using lasers to manipulate rubidium atoms. It’s a mind-boggling concept with the potential to revolutionize everything from sensors to quantum computing. Intrigued yet?

This one’s for the science enthusiasts, the curious minds, the folks who love a good head-scratcher. If you’ve ever wondered about the mysteries of the universe or pondered the possibilities of quantum technology, this story will give you plenty to think about.

What is Quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is the mind-bending world of the very small. Think atoms, particles, and all the strange ways they behave. It’s a realm where the rules of our everyday reality go out the window, where particles can be in two places at once.

What are rubidium atoms?

Imagine tiny, restless particles, each with a heart of protons and neutrons, orbited by electrons buzzing like hyperactive flies. They’re part of a family of elements, each a bit different.

Key Facts

  • Imagine a crystal, like a diamond or a snowflake, but instead of repeating in space, it repeats in time. That’s a time crystal in a nutshell. These strange entities oscillate between two states without using any energy, a phenomenon that once seemed impossible.

  • Time crystals break the traditional rules of physics, opening up new possibilities for technology. They could lead to the development of super-sensitive sensors, more powerful quantum computers, and who knows what else. We’re just scratching the surface here.

  • In this latest breakthrough, scientists used lasers to enlarge rubidium atoms to hundreds of times their normal size. This caused them to interact with the laser in a way that created a feedback loop, resulting in the formation of a time crystal. It’s like something straight out of a science fiction novel!

  • So, what can we do with these time crystals? Well, the possibilities are as vast as the quantum realm itself. Scientists believe that time crystals could pave the way for the development of highly sensitive sensors and even more powerful quantum computers. Imagine computers that can solve problems that would take current machines millennia to crack!
  • This is just the beginning. The researchers are eager to continue experimenting with these super-sized time crystals, exploring their properties and potential applications. This is a rapidly evolving field, so stay tuned for more exciting developments.


The creation of time crystals from super-sized atoms is a remarkable achievement that opens up a new realm of possibilities in physics and technology. While we’re still in the early stages of understanding these bizarre entities, their potential is undeniable.

It’s like we’ve stumbled upon a hidden door in the universe, and who knows what wonders we’ll find on the other side.

So, keep your curiosity alive, folks, because the world of science is full of surprises!

Watch a video

Time Crystals: A Perpetual Motion Machine, A Glimpse into Timelessness.

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