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Image depicting Scientists grew tear glands in a lab and made them cry

Scientists grew tear glands in a lab and made them cry


Recommended for Middle Grades

Lab-grown tear glands

What are tear glands?

These are organs that are located above each eyeball and produce tears. These tears stop the eyeballs from becoming too dry.

For the first time ever, scientists in the Netherlands grew tear glands from human stem cells in a lab. Stem cells are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body.

These tear glands have the ability to cry, despite not being part of a body. They are almost the same size as real tear glands in humans. They look like tiny balloons.

Making them “cry” involved using brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. These chemicals make the glands release tears.

The scientists who created them have even already performed an operation to put them into the eyes of living mice.

This experiment can help treat the problem of dry eye. This is a condition that causes tear glands to stop producing enough tears. It can lead to blindness.


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