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Seagulls can work out school timings to steal food


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Gulls or seagulls are a type of seabird. They are loud, noisy birds that live in groups. They are often found near beaches where they steal food even from humans.

In the seaside city of Bristol, England, scientists have found that gulls have become experts at stealing food. They even know when to do it.

The birds have figured out when schools have lunch breaks so that they can steal food during that time!

Scientists counted the number of birds present at various times. They found that the most number of gulls visited schools when children had their lunch break.

They were also present in high numbers just before the start of the school and during the first break when students had their snack.

However, they are clever enough to not visit schools over the weekend, when the schools are closed.

Not only schools but they also know when to visit garbage dumps and parks so that food will be available.

Another study recently has also found gulls prefer to eat food already handled by humans.

Their ability to predict when human food will become available could be one reason why these birds are found in huge numbers in cities. However, their numbers are declining in the wild.

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