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image depicting See an amazing 45-feet-tall "ice volcano" in Kazakhstan

See an amazing 45-feet-tall “ice volcano” in Kazakhstan


Recommended for Foundational Grades

See an amazing 45-feet-tall “ice volcano” in Kazakhstan

We are sure you know what a volcano is. A volcano is an opening on the surface of the earth through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape. Lava is made up of rocks that have been melted due to great heat.

Some famous volcanoes are Mauna Loa and Kilauea in Hawaii, and Mount Fuji in Japan.

But have you ever heard of an “ice volcano”?

One such volcano has popped up in southeastern Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is a country in Central Asia.

It is not actually a real volcano but it looks like one. This “volcano” formed because below the ground is a hot spring. Here, hot water sprays out of the ground. But the area is so cold that when the water comes out, it gets frozen. So, that formed an “ice volcano”.

This ice volcano is 45 feet tall. That’s about as tall as a telephone pole!

See the video of this “ice volcano” below. Video credit: Ruptly/Youtube


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