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Image depicting Sindhuja-1 taps marine energy!

Sindhuja-1 taps marine energy!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Together with IIT-Madras, a startup is trying to turn ocean waves into electricity. Sindhuja-1 is the name of the gadget they developed to facilitate the idea.

Sai Karthik Sunkara, a student at the National Institute of Technology in Srinagar, had the idea to harness the energy in ocean waves. He partnered with the Ocean Engineering Department at IIT-Madras. Experts in this department were also looking into how to make electricity from ocean waves.

Mr Karthik started a startup venture called Virya Paramita Energy (VPE). Furthermore, he signed a collaborative development agreement with IIT-Madras.

Key facts!

  • Sindhuja-1 is also referred to as the “Ocean Wave Energy Converter.”
  • For the purposes of their testing researchers set the device at a depth of 20 metres and deployed it six kilometres off the coast of Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu.
  • After positive results in their inaugural testing, researchers have set a target of generating 1 MW of power from the waves for commercial purposes by the year 2025.
  • The team also collaborated with the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), in Chennai.
  • Karthik believes that ocean energy is superior in comparison to other types of renewable energy, such as solar and wind.
  • He states that ocean energy may be generated by ocean waves around the clock with very little need for battery storage.
  • Also, this technology offers support for marine surveillance, charging drones and underwater vehicles amongst many others.

Youtube user “OurFuture.Energy” shares with us how to harness ocean wave energy.

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