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Image depicting Singapore - Singapore: Most fatigued - All dreams and no play!

Singapore: Most fatigued – All dreams and no play!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Zzzzzz…..wait, it gets interesting!

Here’s an interesting story for our little munchkins who love to sleep or just laze around.  Maybe always be in their dreamland, cooking stories or having arguments with people who don’t agree with your point of view. 

A team of experts at people who manufacture mattresses in the UK came up with a report of the most tired country. “Singapore: Most fatigued” read the report. Is that really true? I mean the country isn’t running here and there to get things done. Neither is the country eating or sleeping. So, it’s definitely the people in a country whom this report refers to.

How does one calculate “tired”?

And, how does one calculate how tired one is? Simple, the experts looked at certain categories such as hours of sleep, amount one spends in front of a screen, average hours a person works, etc.  Basically, those are some of the important categories that the report looked at. So, the experts look at all these numbers from different countries and then rank them using some clever method. Remember kids even Google ranks websites, some higher and some lower, that’s how it displays the search results.

Shall we rank the countries now?

Singapore ranks first in the most fatigued category, Mexico is second and Brazil in third. Mexico has the maximum work hours per year, followed by Singapore and China. Our friends in Brazil spend the most time on the internet i.e. with the screen time etc. whereas Mexicans are second and Singaporeans rank third. We are really intrigued why India wasn’t included in any of the categories 😉

Here’s what we make of all of this at Curious Times, numbers are a very interesting field of study. Even more interesting than the numbers themselves is the field of Statistics. How one analyses the numbers and eventually what decisions one takes from a study.

So, what’s next?

Apart from being a very interesting read, we recommend our curious learners to take this report with a sense of ease and calmness. If one has any plans or aspirations of studying in Singapore or even working, we’d recommend continuing to chase your dreams. Singapore is a beautiful country, neat and clean, well maintained and has a terrific sense of style and natural beauty.

From a curious writer to curious dreamers, stay safe and keep learning!


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