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Image depicting South Korea to standardise age-system!

South Korea to standardise age-system!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Guess what? South Korea is changing how they figure out people’s ages! It used to be a bit confusing, but not anymore. Starting in 2023, they will have a new way to decide how old someone is. And get this, some people might even become younger!

The government made a new law to fix the age system because it was causing lots of confusion. One of the old systems was called the “Korean Age” system, but they won’t use it anymore on official papers after June 2023. Goodbye, age confusion!

Age Revolution: South Korea Embraces Simplicity and Clarity!

  • So, what was this Korean Age system all about? It was quite different and a little bit funny, to be honest. Under that system, a person was considered one year old when they were born. Then, they would gain another year on the first day of each new year. Talk about starting life with a head start! They used this way of counting age to decide when someone could drink alcohol or smoke. Celebrations can be important, you know!
  • But don’t worry, things are getting simpler now. The government wants to make it easier for everyone. Most countries use something called the “counting age” system. It’s much easier to understand. You start at zero when you are born, and then every January 1st, you get one year older. Simple and clear!
  • South Korea is finally joining the rest of the world with this new age system. No more confusion or different ways of counting. Now, a person’s age will be decided based on their birthday, just like in many other countries. For example, if you were born on December 31, 2002, according to the new system, you would be 19 years old. But with the old Korean Age system, you would already be 20 years old by December 8, 2022. It’s like a time travel puzzle!
  • In the past, South Koreans often had trouble figuring out their real age because of the different methods. It depended on different things, not just the day they were born. But now, with the new system on official papers, it will be much clearer. No more puzzles to solve!
  • Get ready for some funny changes in 2023! You might find yourself a year or two younger, at least on paper. Remember, age is just a number, and soon everyone in South Korea will have the same number. It’s like a big birthday party for the whole country! Say goodbye to the old Korean Age system and welcome the new way of deciding our age, just like in other places around the world.
  • That’s all for now, my friends. Stay tuned for more fun updates as South Korea makes these funny changes to their age system.

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