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Image depicting Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev passes away!

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev passes away!


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Mikhail Gorbachev passed away on 30 August. He was 91 years old.  He aspired to bring new life to the Soviet Union.  Historians regard Mikhail Gorbachev as one of the most significant political figures of the 20th century.

In 1985 his programme of reforms hoped to revitalise the economy and revamp political institutions. However, a chain of events ultimately resulted at the end of communist rule.

Key facts in the life of Mikhail Gorbachev!

Early Life

  • Gorbachev was born on March 2, 1931, in southern Russia in the area of Stavropol.
  • Gorbachev’s parents worked on farms, and when he was a teenager, he would help pick crops with them.
  • He went to Moscow State University and got a degree in political science in 1955.

The Beginnings of a political career

  • By 1961, he had worked his way up through the Young Communist League to become a regional secretary, and the Party Congress had also chosen him as a delegate.
  • In 1978, he moved to Moscow to work as a member of the Central Committee’s Agriculture Secretariat.
  • In 1984, Gorbachev became the Communist Party’s youngest ever leader.
  • The first thing he had to do was revive the dying Soviet economy, which was almost completely falling apart.
  • He used democracy to fight against the slowness of the system.
  • Gorbachev wanted to end the Cold War, and he did so by negotiating with Ronald Reagan, who was President of the United States at the time.
  • In 1990, Gorbachev was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his leading role in the major changes in relations between the East and the West.

The End of a political career

  • In 1991 Moscow staged a military coup, and Gorbachev was arrested while he was on vacation by the Black Sea.
  • Boris Yeltsin, the head of the Moscow party, gave Gorbachev his freedom in exchange for almost all of his political power.
  • After six more months, Gorbachev was no longer in charge, the Communist Party was made illegal.
  • In his later years, Mikhail Gorbachev was still involved in politics, but his reputation was always better in other countries than in Russia.

Check out an early interview of Mikhail Gorbachev shared by Youtube user “Parliamentarians for Global Action”.

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