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Image depicting SpaceX starship simulation to Mars!

SpaceX starship simulation to Mars!

Recommended for Foundational Grades

Our little readers will be super excited about this story. First, let us introduce you to Elon Musk. Elon is a businessman, founder of SpaceX and Tesla. Basically, he loves making rockets, electric cars, and he believes one day we’ll live on planet Mars. How cool is that? He also loves kids and is blessed with seven little dwarfs.


Space X is a company that makes rockets and sends rockets to outer space. What’s really cool is, that they have figured out how to use the same rocket, to send people back and forth from space. This is really interesting because it saves money, and also makes space travel possible. If our curious readers ever wish to travel to space, it may be possible in the near future.

Life on Mars

Mars is a pretty interesting planet.  It has fascinated our researchers and scientists for the longest time. Although, it is not possible to live on Mars, but Space X may change that for us. Space X hopes to establish a human colony on Mars in less than ten years.

So, they have their rockets in place. The astronaut suits have been designed, and the teams in Space X are working hard towards making Mars livable for us.

Space X starship simulation to Mars

Space X released an animation video on how they see the journey from Earth to Mars. We can see the rockets launching into space, refuelling themselves in orbit, and finally landing on Mars. The journey to Mars will take about seven months. Isn’t the possibility really fascinating!

The teams at Space X continue to test rockets and their process. We are hoping we see their dreams become real in our lifetimes. 
Don’t forget to check out the 5-minute breathtaking animation video from Space X. The video is posted on Youtube by SpaceX. 


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