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Steps to boost immunity and new vaccines


Recommended for Middle Grades


Steps to boost immunity and new vaccines: COVID-19 update

COVID-19 pandemic has taught people to take care of themselves. Ever since the pandemic began, people have been thinking about how to increase their immunity.

Although, scientists have developed the COVID vaccine, yet, we cannot say that it would help in the long run. Moreover, we have new variants of this deadly virus coming up and we have to increase our immunity to fight against the virus.

New COVID-19 vaccine

The first COVID-19 vaccine for teenagers between 15-18 years was Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin. Now, a second COVID-19 vaccine for children between 11 to 18 years is Biological Ltd’s Corbevax.

Corbevax is said to be India’s first homegrown receptor binding domain vaccine against COVID-19.

What is receptor-binding domain?

A receptor-binding domain is a key part of a virus located on the spike that allows it to enter the body and infect the cells.

Corbevax is stored at two to eight degrees Celcius temperatures. it is presented as a single dose or 10 doses pack.

Foods that boost immunity

The doctors and health specialists have recommended some foods which can help you boost your immunity.

  • Garlic: Garlic contains sulfur compounds that help to strengthen our immunity.
  • Spinach and Broccoli: The green-leafy vegetables consist of antioxidants and carotene that increases the ability of the human body to fight infections.
  • Almonds: Almonds are rich in proteins, magnesium and zinc. They are the healthiest snacks that one could have.
  • Red Bell Peppers: Red bell peppers are powerful antioxidants and they help to strengthen our immunity.

Once, we include these foods in our daily diet, we can strengthen our immunity and can be safe from the virus.

COVID-19 India Update

  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has stated that the number of active COVID cases has remained below one lakh for 16 days now. Furthermore, the COVID-19 recovery rate has improved to 98.38%. The number of COVID-19 cases has decreased, yet the fear is still lingering.

The government has stated that regular international flights are likely to resume from 15th March and will follow all the COVID-19 protocols at the airports.

COVID-19 World Update

The COVID-19 cases in the US and UK have also lessened down. In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has said that the people who have contracted COVID-19 won’t need to isolate themselves. It is a part of the plan Living with COVID.

The virus impact is lessening, but the

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