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Image depicting afghanistan, as in, this year, US President Joe Biden announced that the US would be withdrawing all its forces from Afghanistan by the end of August.

Taliban captures Afghanistan cities as the US gets ready to leave


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Have you read or heard about the US war in Afghanistan?

What is the story?

In 2001, the United States invaded Afghanistan after the September 11 attack in New York, US. This started a long war by the US and its allies against al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, (also called the War on Terror). Through this invasion, the US wanted to dismantle al-Qaeda, a terrorist group that was responsible for the September 11 attack. At that time, Afghanistan was mostly under the control of the Taliban and the US believed that the Taliban was sheltering al-Qaeda.

Who or what is the Taliban?

The Taliban are an extreme Islamic political movement and military organisation in Afghanistan. They ruled over around 90% of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001

What happened next?

This US-led war led to the establishment of a new government in Afghanistan, overthrowing the Taliban, However, the Taliban continued to fight against the Afghan government and US forces. So, since then, the US has stationed many soldiers there to help the government.

Then, this year, US President Joe Biden announced that the US would be withdrawing all its forces from Afghanistan by the end of August. Now, very few troops remain and new conflicts are arising.

What is happening now?

Recent reports say that the Taliban has captured Taleqan city and also Kunduz. This means, now, it has a hold on four provincial capitals across the country. Earlier, the US signed a peace treaty with the Taliban and is trying to get the Taliban and the Afghan government to come to a compromise. However, the US has also been criticised for its hasty exit.


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