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Children travel in train to get water for home

The children who take the train to fetch water


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! We have an interesting and true story to tell you. You know the rhyme about Jack and Jill going up the hill to fetch a pail of water? Well, get ready to hear something even more interesting!

There are some super adventurous kids in a village called Mukundwadi in Maharashtra, and guess what they do? They catch a train, yes, a train, just to fetch water! Can you believe it? Let’s dive into this wacky tale!

Train-riding Water Heroes!

  • The families in Mukundwadi don’t have water pipes in their village, and they’ve been having low rainfall for a while. So, they don’t have enough water to drink and use in their homes. After school, the brave children of Mukundwadi catch a train that takes them 14km away to a city called Aurangabad. They quickly fill their pots with water, and if they have time, they even wash themselves and their clothes.
  • After their water-fetching adventure, the children hop back on the train to go back home. But here’s the funny part – the train stops at their village station for less than a minute! Can you imagine unloading water pots in less than a minute? It’s like a super-speedy water delivery service! These cool kids have to do this water-fetching mission every single day. It’s like they’re on a water-fetching superhero mission to save their village!
  • The government has promised that by 2024, they will bring piped water to all the homes in Mukundwadi. So, hopefully, these train adventures will become a thing of the past.
  • Isn’t it absolutely bonkers that these kids have to catch a train just to fetch water? It’s like a crazy water circus! But you know what? It shows how important water is, and how creative and determined these kids are to get it. They’re like water superheroes! We should all appreciate and value water because it’s a precious resource.
  • And that’s the true story of the Mukundwadi train-traveling water-fetchers! Can you believe they go on daily water-fetching adventures? Soon, they won’t have to because the government will bring piped water to their homes. Let’s cheer for these amazing kids and hope they never spill a drop on the train! Remember, water is precious, and we should always cherish it. Stay goofy and keep smiling, my little friends!

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Comments: 1
  1. naitikmorya says:

    I can’t believe

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