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The Sun has started a new solar weather cycle


Recommended for Middle Grades

Our Sun has started a new solar weather cycle – Solar Cycle 25.

Solar Cycle 25 officially began in December 2019, according to the Solar Cycle 25 Prediction Panel of international experts.

However, it was confirmed only on Tuesday as it can take as long as 10 months to calculate when the new cycle starts.

What is the solar cycle of the Sun?

The Sun goes through a regular cycle of calm and stormy activity, which lasts for around 11 years. This is called a solar cycle.

What does this mean and how will it affect us?

Scientists track the Sun’s activity through the number of its sunspots. Sunspots are dark spots on the Sun.

As it goes through a solar cycle, the Sun will change from a calm period to one that is very active. At its height, the Sun’s magnetic poles flip. Then, the Sun will grow quiet again, which will lead to another new cycle.

Experts predict that Solar Cycle 25 will be very similar to the previous one, Solar Cycle 24.

Solar Cycle 24 was the fourth-smallest cycle on record and the weakest cycle in 100 years. However, there was a huge risk in 2012 that Earth was lucky enough to avoid.

Why is it important to study the Sun’s solar weather cycle?

It’s important to understand the solar cycle because the Sun’s activity (like solar flares) can impact the Earth’s power grid, GPS, satellites, planes, rockets, etc. Its releases also create beautiful auroras, bright lights seen in the night sky on Earth.

The more scientists learn about the solar cycle, the better they can predict when all these events may occur.

Here is a video on our Sun. Video credit: National Geographic/ Youtube


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