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UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 11- Sustainable cities and communities


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there! Today, we want to tell you about something super  interesting. Did you know that more than half of the people in the world live in cities? And guess what? By the time it’s 2030, six out of every ten people will be living in cities!

You won’t believe this, but 95% of the cities getting bigger and busier will be in the developing world. That means more and more people will be living in exciting places like Asia.

In Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, there are a whopping 883 million people living in something called “slums.” It’s like a super crowded neighborhood where lots of people squeeze into small spaces. Can you imagine that?

As cities get bigger, they face all sorts of funny problems. You see, more people means more pressure on things like water, sewage, clean air, and even public health. It’s like a big jigsaw puzzle that needs to be solved.

Did you know that 90% of the people living in cities are breathing in air that’s not safe? Imagine if people had to wear funny masks all the time just to breathe properly!

Sustainable Solutions

  • Now, you might be thinking, “What’s the big deal about all this?” Well, with more and more people in cities, we need to make sure everything is well organized enough to handle the crowd. That’s where something called “sustainable development” comes in.
  • So, the United Nations came up with something called “Sustainable Development Goal number 11.” It’s like a big plan to make cities safe, fun, and full of laughter. They want cities to be inclusive (that means everyone gets to join the party), safe, resilient (which means they can handle problems and bounce back), and sustainable (which means they can keep going without running out of fun).
  • To make this happen, governments need to invest in things like public transport (imagine funny buses and trains for everyone), create green spaces (like big parks where you can play and have picnics), and plan cities in a way that includes everyone (so nobody feels left out). It’s like a big funny puzzle that needs to be solved together!
  • So, my little friend, let’s hope that all the funny people in charge of cities around the world work together to make our cities the best and silliest places to live. And remember, even if things seem a bit crowded or messy sometimes, there’s always a way to turn it into a big joke and have a good laugh! Take care and keep smiling!

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