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UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey, hey, my little water warriors! Did you know that some people have to walk for kilometers and kilometers just to get drinking water? Can you believe it? Water is like a super-duper important thing that we all need to stay alive and healthy.

But don’t worry, We’ve got some interesting facts and tips to share with you about water!

Water Crisis: Quench the World!

  • More than 40% of the people around the world don’t have enough water. That’s like a lot of people, right? It’s like having a never-ending line for water, and nobody wants to wait that long!
  • In households without nearby water access, 80% of the time, it’s the awesome ladies and girls who go on a water collection adventure. They’re like the superheroes of water-fetching!
  • Did you know that more than 80% of the yucky stuff we throw away ends up in our rivers and seas? Eww! We should keep our water clean and sparkly, not like a swamp monster’s bathtub!
  • Water scarcity doesn’t just make us thirsty; it messes up things like food, education, and jobs. We need water to grow yummy food and have cool opportunities. Water, you’re like the magical ingredient for a happy life!
  • Oh no, brace yourself! By the year 2050, at least one out of every four people might live in a place with not enough water. That’s like living in a never-ending desert adventure. We need to fix this, ASAP!
  • So, what’s the plan, my little water warriors? The United Nations has this super-duper cool goal called SDG 6. They want to make sure that everyone, yes, EVERYONE, has safe and affordable drinking water by 2030. That’s like giving water a VIP ticket to every party!
  • They’ve got some targets and indicators to make it happen. They want to protect cool water places like forests, mountains, and rivers. And they’re determined to get rid of water pollution. Let’s make our water sparkle like a unicorn’s swimming pool!

Water Warriors Unite!

Now, my awesome water heroes, it’s time for your role in this epic water-saving adventure. Here’s what you can do:

  • Drink the good stuff: Always drink safe and clean water. No muddy puddles, okay?
  • Save like a water ninja: Don’t waste water. Turn off those faucets when you’re not using them. And remember to tell your friends and family to save water too. Teamwork makes the water-saving dream work!
  • No trashy business: Never throw trash into water places like rivers and ponds. Fish and ducks don’t like swimming in a sea of junk.
  • Spread the word: Be a water-saving champion in your school. Teach your friends and classmates about saving water. You can even declare your school a “save water zone.” That’s like being a superhero with a water-saving cape!

Remember, my water warriors, we’ve got to protect our water and make sure everyone has enough to drink. So, let’s dive into this watery adventure and save the day, one drop at a time! Splash-tastic!

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