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Image depicting Walk with Nature and be stress free

Walk with Nature and be stress free


Recommended for Middle Grades

Walk with Nature and be stress-free

Research published in the journal  “Frontiers in Psychology” suggests nature is the best pill for stress relief. The study has revealed a solution for lowering stress hormone (called Cortisol) levels by spending 20 – 30 minutes sitting or walking in a place that provides you with a sense of nature.

Dr Mary Carol Hunter, Associate Professor at the University of Michigan and lead author of this research said “We know that spending time in nature reduces stress, but until now it was unclear how much is enough, how often to do it, or even what kind of nature experience will benefit us”

  • The experiment was conducted over a period of eight weeks.
  • The participants were asked to take a nature pill (connect) with a duration of 10 minutes or more at least 3 times a week.
  • Levels of cortisol were measured from saliva samples taken before and after.
  • The data revealed that an average of 20-minutes of nature experience significantly reduced the cortisol levels.
  • This could be a low-cost solution to reduce the negative health impacts caused by increasing urbanisation and physically inactive indoor lifestyles.

Interaction with nature thus can contribute to sustainable growth and development.


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