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Image depicting Watch a video: A ukulele performance in space

Watch a video: A ukulele performance in space


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A ukulele performance in space

On 15 September, spaceflight company SpaceX launched the first-ever civilian crew to space. “Civilian” here means astronauts who are private citizens and do not belong to any government space agency.

This mission, called Inspiration 4, has four members. The entire mission is paid for by a billionaire named Jared Isaacman. Isaacman and 3 other people are currently in space right now. The mission is for three days and they are going around Earth in space right now.

As you can imagine, it must be a very exciting journey. Recently, SpaceX released a video of the Inspiration 4 crew playing the ukelele as they travel above Earth’s surface.

What is a ukelele?

A ukelele is a small musical instrument which looks like a guitar and has 4 strings.

In the video, you can see one of the mission members, Chris Sembroski, have a ukulele performance in space. The performance was part of a 10-minute show-and-tell session that the team had. They are currently flying at about 28,000 km around Earth. Another member, Sian Proctor, also showed off a piece of artwork she made while in space.


The crew is expected to return to Earth on Saturday (Sunday for India). And the crew and their members are preparing for the return.

Watch the ukulele performance in space below:


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