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Image depicting Watch a video: Friendly whale gives paddleboarder a tiny push

Watch a video: Friendly whale gives paddleboarder a tiny push


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Can you imagine being out in the ocean and meeting a seemingly friendly whale? That’s what happened to a paddleboarder in Argentina recently.

What is paddleboarding?

Paddleboarding is a sport in which you travel across water or ride on waves using a board, which you can sit or stand on, and sometimes paddle.

The paddleboarder was having a nice relaxing time in Puerto Madryn, a town in Argentina. This town is famous for whale watching as thousands of whales visit the area during this time. And she had also gone there to do some whale watching.

So, the woman was on a paddleboard out in the sea when a southern right whale came towards her. Then, the friendly whale used its fin to gently push her board, then swam directly underneath it.

Who took the video?

A photographer named Maxi Jonas captured the video by chance, from his drone. The 54-second video of the friendly whale has gone viral on social media. And gotten over 1.6 million views.

You can also see it for yourself below:


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