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image depicting Watch a video: Scientists catch glimpse of 'alienish' bigfin squid

Watch a video: Scientists catch glimpse of ‘alienish’ bigfin squid


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The mysterious bigfin squid

The deep sea is a mystery to humans even today and scientists are always trying to learn more about it.

Recently, the Okeanos Explorer research ship (under the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) was doing just that. The scientists there were using a robot submarine to explore the deep waters near Florida, US.

That’s when they caught a video of the rare bigfin squid. This is a squid that lives deep in the ocean and is rarely seen. Its arms can grow really long and its entire body can be as long as 6 metres (that is taller than a giraffe).

The bigfin squid was first officially named only about 20 years ago. But since we hardly see it, scientists still do not know much about it.

However, scientists were delighted by the video and said the squid looks “cool,” “ghostly” and “very alienish”.

Would you also like to see such an animal up close someday?


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