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Watch a video: Stadium-goers catch falling cat with flag


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They say that a cat has nine lives. And a recent incident seems to emphasize that point.

Recently. a cat was dangling from the upper balcony of the Hard Rock Stadium of Miami in the US. It was scared and struggling for its life. But thankfully, some people below saw it struggle. So they untied their American flag from the hook and held it below the cat. The cat fell but was saved by the flag!

This incident happened at a college football match. It was a man named Craig Cromer and his wife Kimberly Cromer who caught the animal. They said that they have been coming to this football stadium for 7 years but have never had such an incident like this.

Thankfully, the cat is alive and in good health. The videos of the incident have gone viral on social media with people praising the people who rescued the cat. efforts of the people present at the stadium. One video of the rescue has more than 7 million views on Twitter!


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