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Image depicting cat as in Billboard shows a giant 3D cat in Tokyo

Watch video: Billboard shows a giant 3D cat in Tokyo


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A billboard sign in Tokyo, Japan is catching a lot of attention. Why? It has a 3D video of a huge cat which looks almost real!

The 3D cat is on a screen on top of a building in front of Shinjuku train station. It ‘meows’ at people passing by. You can see the cat between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at night. You can also see it waking up in the morning and sleeping at night.


This is an area in Tokyo that is famous for its huge shops, restaurants and clubs. Moreover, Shinjuku train station is the world’s busiest railway station.

Japan is also fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Its capital Tokyo has especially been affected. So, local shops nearby set up the 3D cat screen to cheer people up.

Video credit: Nippon TV News 24 Japan/Youtube


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