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Image depicting What jobs will we have in the future?

What jobs will we have in the future?


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Greetings, youngsters! Today we’re going to talk about something really cool, the future of jobs! In 2023, we’ve seen some crazy things happen to jobs all around the world. Some places have too many people looking for jobs, while other places have more jobs than people to fill them.

And guess what? People with less education and women have been finding it harder to get jobs too. It’s not all bad news though, as we’ve got a new survey that tells us what might happen to jobs in the next few years!

Job Shifts: Tech, Environment, Opportunities!

  • The Future of Jobs Report 2023 survey asked 803 companies (that’s a lot!) from all over the world about what they thought would happen to jobs between 2023 and 2027. They talked about all sorts of things like how technology might change jobs and how businesses might try to help their workers.
  • Did you know that companies think that the biggest changes will come from new technology and making sure that businesses take care of the environment and people? Almost everyone said they would try to use new and better technology in their businesses, like robots and artificial intelligence.
  • But don’t worry, they’re not going to take over the world just yet! In fact, most companies still think that people are more important than machines, and they don’t want to replace people with machines all the time.
  • Some companies also said that they would try to be more environmentally friendly, and that this would create new roles. Yay for saving the planet and getting jobs at the same time! But not all the news is good. Companies also said that it might be harder to find jobs in some places and some industries, like transportation and entertainment. But in other places, like manufacturing, they think there will be more jobs.
  • So, what does all this mean? It means that in the next few years, there might be some big changes to jobs around the world. Some people might find it harder to get jobs, but there will also be new jobs created.
  • Companies will use new technology, but they will still need people to do important things. And, we’ll keep doing what we can to take care of the environment while creating jobs. Pretty cool, right?

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