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What’s in a word – Clue!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

When a detective is solving a mystery, what does he/she look for? Yes, a clue! “Clue” means a piece of information that helps you solve a problem or a crime, answer a question, etc.

Fun facts about ‘Clue’!

  • The word “clue” comes from the word “clew”, meaning a ball of yarn. 
  • So how did “clue” get associated with “clew”. This is due to a story from Greek legends.
  • In the story, there was a terrifying creature, which was half-man and half-bull, called the Minotaur. It was kept in a labyrinth (maze) by King Minos. Many people were sacrificed to it.
  • One day, a prince named Persues volunteered to go as a sacrifice and also to kill the Minotaur. The daughter of King Minos, Princess Ariadne decided to help Perseus.
  • In order to not get lost in the labyrinth, Ariadne gave Theseus a ball of yarn. Perseus tied the yarn to the entrance of the maze and went in with it. After he killed the Minotaur, he could come out of the maze by following the thread.
  • Hence, the ball of yarn became like a “guide” and as such a “clue”.

Here is a video of the story of the Minotaur and Perseus:


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