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What’s in a word – Hazard!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

What does the word 'hazard' mean?

It means a danger or risk. For example, smoking is a serious health hazard.

But how does this word “hazard” relate to “dice”? Let’s find out today.

Fun facts about the word ‘hazard’!

  • The origin of this word can be traced to the Arabic term al-zhar (or az-zhar), which is translated as “the dice”. Dice is a small square object with a different number of spots (from one to six) on each side, used in certain games.
  • During medieval times, Arabic dice games became more and more popular around Europe. Dice games usually involve gambling and luck. So, people considered them to be risky.
  • The word al-zhar became azar in Spanish. Then, it became hasard in French, from which came the English word “hazard”.
  • The word originally referred to “unlucky dice throws”. But then as, eventually, it came to mean risk or danger.

Hazard” is also used as a verb. As a verb, it means “to make a guess or to suggest something even though you know it may be wrong”.


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