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Image depicting Question - What's in a word!

Question – What’s in a word!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Question is an important way for us to learn more about the world.  

What do you do when you don’t know something? You ask a question. Asking a question means trying to get information about something.

Fun facts about the origin of this word!

  • The word originally comes from the Latin word quaestionem meaning “a seeking, a questioning, inquiry, examining, judicial investigation”.
  • This was later adapted to the Anglo-French word question (from the Old French question). This is how the word came to exist in English.
  • This symbol (?) is also believed to be related to the Latin word question (related to quaestionem). Over the centuries the word may have gotten shortened to a Q-like symbol.
  • However, some experts also believe that the question mark is an ancient Egyptian symbol that copies the formation of a cat’s tail when it’s curious. The Egyptians loved and honoured their cats.

Here is a very entertaining video on the question mark (?):


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