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Image depicting What’s lurking in the dark at the Mysterious Bhangarh Fort?

What’s lurking in the dark at the Mysterious Bhangarh Fort?


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Visitors are not allowed in the Bhangarh Fort between the hours of dusk and dawn. People say that it is haunted. The fort might be the most haunted place in all of India. The fort was built in the 1600s.

Locals believe that a priest was to blame for the quick abandonment of the fort. Travel experts say that the trip to Bhangarh fort is full of scary moments. One walks through what looks like a village. On either side of the main road, one can see the crumbling foundations of once-grand Havelis.

In 1573 AD, Raja Bhagwant Singh had the Bhangarh fort built for his younger son Madho Singh.

Princess Ratnavati!

  • The story of the beautiful princess Ratnavati is shared by local villagers.
  • She was the crowning glory of the state of Rajasthan.
  • Her stunning beauty and charming personality made her famous.

Evil Priest!

  • A priest who knew how to do dark magic fell in love with her and confessed his feelings.
  • But he knew he didn’t have much chance of winning the heart of the beautiful princess, so he tried to put a spell on her.
  • When he saw the princess’s maid in the village buying perfume for the princess, he put a spell in a bottle filled with perfume.
  • The spell was to make Ratnavati fall in love with him.
  • Ratnavati threw the bottle when she found out about this.
  • The priest in a fit of anger cursed the princess, her family, and the whole town.
  • The next year Ratnavati and most of the army passed away after a battle breaks out with a nearby town.

The Ghosts of Bhangarh!

  • The locals believe that because of the priest’s curse, no one could ever come back to life.
  • Between the time it gets dark and the time it gets light, people are not allowed to enter Bhangarh.
  • It is often thought to be the most haunted fort in India.
  • On the other hand, the guards in the area said they had never seen anything supernatural in that place.
  • It could be folklore that gets passed on from generation to generation.
  • Do you fancy a visit to the Bhangarh Fort? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Watch a video

Youtube user “Tripoto” takes you inside the Bhangarh Fort.

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